Τρίτη 5 Αυγούστου 2014

Empathize me, Doctor- Έλα στη θέση μου, Γιατρέ

“Empathize me, Doctor!” is an experiential training program aiming at improving empathic understanding in healthcare providers. Its duration is 60 hours distributed in three 20-hour workshops. It is not about learning a technique but it is mostly about being introduced in a whole new way of being.

Empathize me, Doctor!” is based in the principles of Person- Centered Approach (PCA), founded by Carl Rogers (1902- 1987), one of the most influential psychotherapists of his century. Empathy is cornerstone in the terms of PCA and does not constitute a technique but a way of acting, being, behaving.
The training program contains theory, personal growth and skills development. Presentations, encounter groups, role- plays, study groups, experiential exercises through art and play are only some of the “tools” used to teach healthcare professionals, how to be empathic.

empathize me doctor